Form and preparation of manuscripts

Scope and policy

  •  Acknowledging that Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and Feminist Studies have an increasing multidisciplinary character, as well as thematic diversity and plurality of theoretical and epistemological perspectives, the journal also has an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary character and is open to contributions of multiple disciplines and currents of thought. Considering that the founding structure of the journal is APEM, the objective of ex æquo is to contribute to the transformation of stereotyped practices and representations on the basis of sex or other identity factors, namely by adopting a non-discriminatory and inclusive language that may help to promote equality. On the same vein, empirical research can and must be the basis for articles that include a theoretical thinking and contribute to the questioning of the main aspects that affect gender relations in society.
    ex aequo, while keeping a plurality and multiplicity of perspectives in the texts it publishes, reserves the right only to accept texts that reflect the value of diversity of the human being and of its integrity and dignity, respecting at the same time the principle of defence of fundamental Human Rights.
  • Areas of interest of the journal are Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and Feminist Studies.
    ex æquo publishes original texts in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, from all scientific areas, that fall within the framework of Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and Feminist Studies. It publishes also bibliographical reviews of works in the same areas.
  • Articles sent to ex æquo for publication are given for opinion to two persons, double blind peer review, who must be specialists in the area to which the text may be linked or referred to. Texts are anonymously sent to the referees, who are requested that the opinion, according to the evaluation form, take into account the following: the adequacy and insertion of the article within in the objectives of the journal ex æquo; its scientific quality; pertinence, originality, clarity and coherence of content; its adequacy and present relevance and respect of accepted bibliographical rules; pertinent, adequate, and explicit methodology and information; and clear written expression, as well as formal coherence and balance. Opinions must include a recommendation for possible publication under the following titles: accepted without restrictions; accepted with restrictions (indicating those), and rejected. The indication of justified suggestions to improve the scientific quality of the article will also be requested, to be sent, under anonymity, to the author(s).
  • The journal is mainly addressed at researchers and students in its areas of interest; at the same time, it tries to reach the public at large, aiming at raising awareness in regard to the same areas of knowledge.    

Form and preparation of manuscripts
All the originals must contain the final text, ready for publication, fully revised and, when including graphic or iconic materials, these must be included with good definition and a clear indication of the places within the text where these have to be inserted.

  1. An electronic copy must be sent as an email attachment to the e-mail: 
  2. Articles must not exceed 40.000 characters, (spaces, footnotes and bibliographical references included).
  3. The reviews must not exceed 10,000 characters (spaces and bibliographical references included).
  4. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 750 characters, translated into two languages: Portuguese and Spanish or French. They must be placed before the main text, after the title, authorship and institutional affiliation of the author.
  5. Each author must send a brief bibliographical note, not exceeding 500 characters, as well as postal address and electronic address.
  6. All quotations must be translated into the language in which the paper is written.
  7. All original texts must:
    1. be accompanied by an abbreviated title (maximum of 4 words) to be used in headings, as well as the full title of the article;
    2. indicate the institutional affiliation of the author/s;
    3. indicate 4 or 5 key words.
  8. In the composition and formatting of texts the following guidelines must be taken into account:
    1. the use of a maximum of two levels of titling is suggested, without numbering or with Arab numbering;
    2. Short quotes should be written in the text itself with "double quotation marks". Quotes longer than approximately 40 words lines should be written as a new paragraph indented on both sides without quotation marks.
    3. words in languages other than the language in which the paper is written must be formatted in italics;
    4. non-textual elements must be organized in tables, graphs and figures and identified with continuous Arab numbering for each one of this type of elements; each one must have a title and the identification of its source;
    5. in footnotes numbers with no parenthesis must be used;

Bibliographic references must be indicated between parenthesis in the main text, according to the following pattern: (Leach 1993, 103); (Balibar and Wallerstein 1991, 80-84); (Yuval-Davis 1997a); (Yuval-Davis 1997b)

When quoting different authors and different works about the same idea chronological order must be respected, listing the references from the oldest to the most recent (and the alphabetical order of Surnames, when it comes to works with the same date)

Ex: (Rosende, 2002; Miller and Clark, 2008; Lo Sasso et al., 2011; Riska, 2011; )

At the end of the article the list of quoted works must be included and presented according to the Chicago (16th edition) style

One author - Family name, First name. year. Title of the book (in italics). Place of printing: Printer.
Two or three authors - Family name, First name, Family name, First name and First name Family name. year. Title of the book (in italics). Place of printing: Printer.
Four or more authors - Family name, First name et al. year. Title of the book (in italics). Place of printing: Printer.
Chapter or other part of a book - Family name, First name. year. “Title of the chapter.” In Title of the collective book (in italics), edited by First Name Family Name, First Name Family Name and First Name Family Name, page numbers. Place of printing: Printer.

Ex: Kelly, John D. 2010. “Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War.” In Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, edited by John D. Kelly, Beatrice Jauregui, Sean T. Mitchell, and Jeremy Walton, 67–83. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Article in a print journal
Family name, First name. year. “Title of the article.” Title of the Journal (in italics) volume (number): page numbers. 

Internet document: Family name, first name. year. Title of document. Available in address, accessed date. 
Sites in Internet and personal or institutional pages: Name. Available in address, accessed date.
Publications in Internet journals: Family name, first name. year. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal (in italics) volume (number): number of pages, [on line] available in address [seen on date]. Include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if the journal lists one. If no DOI is available, list a URL.

Ex: Kossinets, Gueorgi, and Duncan J. Watts. 2009. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network.” American Journal of Sociology 115:405–50. Accessed February 28, 2010. doi:10.1086/599247.

If you have any questions, or doubts regarding other types of references, please consult the page of the Chicago- Style Citation Quick Guide (section author-date):